


Our mission with the WICO App is to empower people for wellness, and prevent diabetes, obesity and the use of lifestyle induced medication.

What makes the WICO App unique are proven & proprietary technologies and programs used by hundreds of HPs to address Type II Diabetes weight loss & functional health with an online
platform to aggregate wellness & wearable markers and a health recovery tracking system to educate patients on making better decisions.

Here is how our app works:

  1. We start off by interesting consumers in finding out about our proprietary WICO Score that Evaluates 15 Functional Health conditions.
  2. When appropriate we refer people to one of our wellness practitioner and if needed our T360 Food Plan to eliminate any food and weight symptoms.
  3. The WICO Questionnaire is repeated a 2nd time after a few weeks of being on the T360 diet.
  4. If need be, a blood test can be offered at end of the diet to also evaluate 40 other key Bio Markers.
  5. Treatment plans can be created by our WICO App to offer a comprehensive Action Plan to any address remaining health issues, once weight and food symptoms are addressed with T360 diet.
  6. Once people implement their treatment plan, patients can be connected via the WICO App to their practitioner for real time compliance updates and communication.
  7. As education is a key component of making better lifestyle choices, patients can listen to pre-recorded and live radios shows on their WICO App via their smart phone.
  8. Finally, the WICO App will become a platform for other online health data for other mobile health apps and wearable tracking markers that people can easily access and track.

For a more comprehensive understanding of all the above, please watch the 10 minute webinar below: